Sunday, November 25, 2012

Thankful--a month of photos!

My heart is so full as I remember all God has done for me and my family this year. It has been a huge year with several transitions: moving across town, recovering from surgery, becoming a working mom, and of course doing life with a baby! But I am thankful for many smaller moments, too: friendships my boys have made, people in our home, Lois' smile and sweet baby ways, time with my Poppy, growing relationships in my neighborhood. Here are some of the moments in the last month that I want to remember.

Ezra and Poppy--lunch buddies at Andres.

Celebrating fall birthdays with chicken sandwiches and go-karts.

Halloween with my little sock monkey.      

Making momos with neighborhood friends.

Celebrating God's goodness to Mission Adelante with friends at the Passion Awards (and first time in a sari)!

More momo-making at our Mission Adelante house party.

Lois taking her first steps--just before she turned 13 months. So fun!
Meeting Mani's sweet baby girl.
Being thankful with Ezra's kindergarten class.